
HexNa.me FAQs

What word list are you using?
When initially writing this code, we were basing our work on the /usr/share/words/dict file on linux. Upon integrating the dictionary API we used, we realized a lot of words were showing no definitions. We are looking into new dictionary sources, and welcome any suggestions!

Where are you getting your definitions?
We are currently utilizing the Wordnik API.

Why are there colors in my list that don't match at all?
We show a minumum of 10 matches, regardless of how far they are mathematically from your starting color. Some colors simply just don't have colors close enough, with matching words!

What letters do you replace?
We currently make the following substitutions when looking for words:
1:i,l - 2:Z - 3:E - 4:A - 5:S - 6:b - 7:T - 8:B - 9:g - 0:O.